torsdag 10. september 2009

Shopping again...

Italy is turning out to be even more expensive than I planned!

We neede a new chair so my baby could sit by the table with us when we are eating. This Chicco chair is fantastic. It has 3 different posititions and can be used from 0+. (highchair Polly Magic from Chicco)

Travel bed from Brevi (Dolce Sogno) and bath dresse (Atlantis) also from Brevi (this 2 things from his lovely grandmother).

The playpen (also from Brevi - soft and play Blue Sea) is waiting for us!
We didint had any space for the baby gym so we had to buy a new one ( which he doesnt like) Chicco Ergo gym...

And we havent started on bying the winter clothes yet (except the Burberry winter dress) - more to come:)

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